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Alan Freedman, Director of the Jewish Sports Heritage Association has spoken on the subject of "Jewish Sports Legends," to a wide variety of groups over the years, and with COVID-19 he is still available to speak to your group, these days probably on Zoom. We have added something new, we have included a number of Jewish athletes, coaches and others from the sports world, who are available to join us for these talks. The list of those who have already committed to speaking  is posted below, and as others come on-board they will be added to this list. Those with an * next to their name ask for an honorarium (please contact us for that information), otherwise, as with Alan Freedman speaking, there is NO charge. 


Yael Averbuch, Professional Soccer Player

Herb Brown, Basketball Coach

Preston Goldfarb, Soccer Coach

Jonathan Halpert, Basketball Coach

Sara Whalen Hess,* Professional Soccer Player

Eric Holtz*, Baseball Coach

Shawn Lipman, Rugby Player

Boyd Melson*, Professional Boxer

Ron Mix*, Professional Football Player

Josh Pastner, Basketball Coach

Dmitriy Salita*, Professional Boxer


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